A root canal is a tooth-saving procedure that your dentist performs to prevent tooth loss and keep your smile healthy for many years to come.
Do you need a root canal? You have nothing to fear at Smiles Dental Center! A root canal is a routine procedure that our experienced dentists offer to avoid costly tooth extractions and help you maintain a healthy, confident smile. Schedule your consultation today for a gentle, effective root canal with your trusted Lawrence dental team!
A root canal is a simple, straightforward procedure recommended by your dentist in cases of dental inflammation or infection. Your dentist will perform a root canal to remove infected material from the inside of your tooth and cleanse any remaining bacteria. The goal of root canal treatment is to relieve your dental pain, clear the infection, and prevent tooth loss. Our experienced team will do everything we can to keep your smile healthy and complete.
Your teeth consist of three sections: the white enamel, a hard layer called the dentin, and a soft tissue called the dental pulp. The pulp contains your tooth’s blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissues. Pulp extends from the crown (the exterior top portion) of your tooth to the tip of the roots where it connects to the surrounding tissues. This material creates the surrounding hard tissues of the development of your teeth as they grow, but serves little purpose when your teeth fully mature.
Sometimes the pulp can become inflamed or infected. This can happen after the tooth is injured, a crack forms in the tooth due to repeated dental treatment, or bacteria reaches the pulp due to untreated decay. If the infection goes untreated, it can result in pain, swelling, and drainage. A root canal is performed to remove the infected pulp, clean out your tooth, and relieve your symptoms.
Are you worried about your tooth? Here are some signs you may need a root canal:
Be sure to call our office right away if you experience any pain or discomfort. A friendly member of our team is always available to help answer your questions and schedule your appointment as soon as possible.
A root canal procedure is nothing to be worried about. It’s a safe, effective, and comfortable procedure. Here is what you can expect whe
Yes, we do! Smiles Dental Center welcomes new and returning patients on a walk-in basis. We will do everything we can to see you as promptly as scheduling permits. If you experience a dental emergency or injury, be sure to call us right away. Emergency appointments are available now!
Since 2003, Smiles Dental Center has provided gentle, expert dentistry to our friends and neighbors of the Lawrence community. Dr. James Katib and his associates will make you and your whole family comfortable visiting the dentist! We are a caring, family-friendly dental practice. Our team speaks English and Spanish to serve the diverse needs of our community.