Smiles Dental Center is in the business of restoring healthy teeth, but we understand that sometimes a tooth must be removed. You can trust our experienced dental team for tooth extractions and wisdom teeth removals in Lawrence!
Do you need to have a tooth pulled? Maybe you or your teen want to schedule a wisdom tooth removal? Smiles Dental Center can help! Our knowledgeable doctors and skilled team provide extractions to provide relief from dental problems. Schedule a consultation today to discuss your needs with one of our doctors. We are always here to help you when you need prompt, affordable dental care!
In many cases, your dentist can repair or restore problem teeth with a filling, crown, root canal treatment, or other procedure. However, sometimes a tooth can’t be saved and must be removed for the benefit of your overall oral health. Your dentist may recommend an extraction if:
Wisdom teeth, also called third molars, typically erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. They are often extracted either before or after they come in to prevent other dental health complications. Your dentist will recommend removing your wisdom tooth if:
A tooth extraction is a very common, straightforward procedure. During a simple extraction, your dentist will numb your tooth and gum tissue with a local anesthetic. Next, he will loosen the tooth with an instrument called an elevator before removing it with dental forceps. Finally, your dentist will ask you to bite down on a piece of gauze for up to 30 to 45 minutes to limit bleeding and help a blood clot form in the socket.
Your dentist will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions to help ensure a comfortable recovery. Be sure to follow the instructions closely. For the first 24 hours following your extraction, you shouldn't:
While extractions are generally simple, affordable procedures, the cost of your extraction will depend on your case and whether the tooth is impacted. Our team will provide you with a complete breakdown of all costs associated with your visit, as well as help you make any payment arrangements you may need. If you need additional assistance paying for your extraction, ask about our affordable financing options!
Yes, we do! Smiles Dental Center welcomes new and returning patients on a walk-in basis. We will do everything we can to see you as promptly as scheduling permits. If you experience a dental emergency or injury, be sure to call us right away. Emergency appointments are available now!
Since 2003, Smiles Dental Center has provided gentle, expert dentistry to our friends and neighbors of the Lawrence community. Dr. James Katib and his associates will make you and your whole family comfortable visiting the dentist! We are a caring, family-friendly dental practice. Our team speaks English and Spanish to serve the diverse needs of our community.