Trust Smiles Dental Center for prompt service and gentle care when you need us the most!
When an emergency strikes, you can trust Smiles Dental Center for all your urgent dental care needs! Our caring team offers emergency dental services to adults and children in Lawrence and the surrounding communities. If you or your child are experiencing dental pain, swelling, or bleeding, call your trusted dentists right away!
A dental emergency is defined as any condition that requires immediate treatment to stop ongoing oral bleeding, reduce swelling, alleviate severe pain, or clear out an infection. Essentially, if it can’t wait until your next appointment, it’s an emergency.
Our experienced doctors and skilled dental team provide emergency services to treat a variety of common dental emergencies in-office. If you experienced any bleeding, swelling, or pain, be sure to call Smiles Dental Center right away. We will see you as soon as possible to perform an emergency exam and treat your condition.
While less severe, be sure to call Smiles Dental Center if you experience any of the following conditions:
Our team will accommodate you as soon as possible and provide you with high-quality service and care!
Depending on your needs, we offer a full range of services to provide you with relief from your dental emergency or injury, such as:
If you experience any pain, swelling, or bleeding, it’s important to call your dentist as soon as possible. Dental emergencies and injuries need immediate care from a trained dental potential. Failure to seek appropriate treatment can result in lasting damage to your tooth or oral tissues, as well as more complex and expensive procedures to reverse that damage in the future. When it comes to dental emergencies, always call your dentist for the care you need to find relief.
The cost of your emergency dental appointment will depend on your case and the type of care you need, as determined by your dentist during your initial exam. Our team will provide you with a complete breakdown of all costs associated with your emergency visit, as well as help you make any payment arrangements you may need.
Yes, we do! Smiles Dental Center welcomes new and returning patients on a walk-in basis. We will do everything we can to see you as promptly as scheduling permits. If you experience a dental emergency or injury, be sure to call us right away. Emergency appointments are available now!
Since 2003, Smiles Dental Center has provided gentle, expert dentistry to our friends and neighbors of the Lawrence community. Dr. James Katib and his associates will make you and your whole family comfortable visiting the dentist! We are a caring, family-friendly dental practice. Our team speaks English and Spanish to serve the diverse needs of our community.